Activ Account
To access the Expert Supplier platform you need an account that you will obtain once you start collaborating with business partners that offer free information securely through the platform or after making a contract to use the services offered by the Expert Supplier.
You will receive an email from the support department with an account activation link. Once accessed this link you will be able to define the minimum details for access, respectively your name (not of the company you represent) and the account password.
For security reasons, the password you set must meet the following minimum requirements to be considered secure:
contain at least one special character (eg "!", "?", "%")
to contain at least one digit
contain at least 8 characters
After pressing the send button, if the requirements have been checked you will receive a confirmation message and you will be able to access the platform using the email address as username and the password you have set in the previous step.
If you forgot your password you can use the "click here if you forgot your password" button on the login page which will open a page where you will have to enter the e-mail address of the account for which you no longer remember the password. After clicking the "Send" button you will receive an email to the address already defined in the platform that contains a link that will allow you to reset the password (resetting the password implies the existence of the account in the platform).
If the above information could not help you please contact our support department.
Warning will never send you emails asking you to reveal or verify your password. If you receive suspicious emails containing links to update your account information, please do not access them and report the email to Expert Supplier's support team for investigation. Also, users' passwords are not stored in clear form in the system database, therefore no one within our company can communicate the password defined by you if you forgot it, the only solution to access the platform is to reset the password.